Holistic Therapist & Sacred Space Holder
Merging Spirit + Science + Nature as Sacred Medicine on your
✨Healing Journey✨
An integrative approach to traditional therapy
My deeply gentle, trauma-informed & integrative approach to traditional therapy is suitable for those looking to embody a healthy expression of calm, self-care & balance.
If we want to feel confident & empowered, attract more abundance into our lives & create deep intimate relationships, then we need to learn how to lovingly tend to ourselves. Especially our bodies. Only when our bodies feel safe, secure & supported, is it possible to make change & begin to heal.
If we don’t work towards making change, then our mind, body & soul will continue to do what they have always done (likely an eclectic mix of flight, fight, freeze & fawn).
So together, let’s *gently* work at releasing what no longer serves you & cultivating a life that aligns with your heart’s desires.
Breathe Again
Supporting women on a warm & tender ‘nervous system reset journey’ towards calm, stability & conscious choice ☀️
I am passionate about promoting the healing & grounding benefits of being in nature - hence all my therapy services are offered with a ‘Nature’ element.